NPC 等級 經驗 體力 魔力 體力回復量 魔力回復量 可否迷魅 經驗C/P值(EXP/HP)
[Event] Vampire 61 2501 7200 3000 70 50 0.35
Baphomet 61 2602 16000 700 320 300 0.16
Demon of Varlok 61 3722 6000 250 150 100 0.62
Slave of Assassin King 61 3722 16202 1239 120 0 0.23
Vampire 61 2501 12000 1000 70 50 0.21
Arcane Squad Leader Kybar 61 3137 25040 1200 40 0 0.13
Mercenary Commander Mephaisto 61 3137 26564 722 5 0 0.12
Ice Queen 61 3137 6000 400 250 250 0.52
Mammon 61 3722 12000 2500 0 0 0.31
Polluted Orc Hunter 61 2602 10000 200 45 0 0.26
Guardsman of Yahee 62 3845 1500 300 100 50 2.56
Guardsman of Yahee 62 3845 1500 300 120 50 2.56
Zombie Lord 62 3845 8000 100 270 250 0.48
Supreme Court Justice Keyna 62 3845 13500 500 50 30 0.28
Temple Head Bounty 62 3250 25042 1413 45 0 0.13
Koma Kum 62 3845 4000 200 100 10 0.96
Terra Dragon 62 3602 800 270 96 54 4.5
Terra Dragon 62 3602 700 270 84 40 5.15
Terra Dragon 62 3602 750 450 90 90 4.8
Terra Dragon 62 3602 750 300 90 60 4.8
Beleth 63 2810 16200 700 400 380 0.17
Dread King Baranka 63 3970 17290 0 150 0 0.23
[Event] Great King Squid 63 3365 4800 1500 70 16 0.7
Great King Squid 63 3365 8000 500 70 16 0.42