NPC 等級 經驗 體力 魔力 體力回復量 魔力回復量 可否迷魅 經驗C/P值(EXP/HP)
Dread King Baranka 63 3970 17290 0 170 150 0.23
Cougar 63 3970 8400 400 220 200 0.47
Mummy Lord 63 3970 10000 750 270 250 0.4
Cougar 63 0 2000 400 100 5 0.0
Arcane Troupe Leader Crepus 63 3365 27384 722 25 0 0.12
Cougar 63 3970 1000 400 60 40 3.97
Evil Snow Tiger 64 3120 700 0 0 0 4.46
Iris 64 4097 6200 900 295 275 0.66
Supreme Court Justice Edea 64 4097 14788 500 50 50 0.28
Koma Kum 64 4011 5000 200 100 10 0.8
[Event] Chief Mermaid 65 3601 3600 1800 101 16 1.0
Kurtz 65 3026 12000 500 400 200 0.25
Faruuk 65 4226 5000 1000 50 50 0.85
Dread Queen Laia 65 4226 15070 4277 80 0 0.28
[Event] Garundur 65 3601 4200 1500 100 100 0.86
Kireg 65 3026 12000 500 400 200 0.25
Knight Vald 65 4226 10000 600 340 400 0.42
Faked Santa Claus 65 2026 750 5 0 0 2.7
Guardsman of Yahee 65 4226 2000 300 120 50 2.11
Guardsman of Yahee 65 4226 2000 300 120 50 2.11
Guardsman of Yahee 65 4226 2000 300 120 50 2.11
Chief Mermaid 65 3601 6000 600 101 16 0.6
Abyss Master 65 3601 8000 600 60 100 0.45
Baras 65 4226 12000 150 300 0 0.35